Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Target Week 4: Fast, Fun, and Friendly
Every Monday we have a team meeting, which always begins with a 5 minute FFF event before diving into financial updates. Last week, we raced to finish a word search for all of the categories in produce (stone fruit, mushrooms, etc.). This week, we shared our plans for the 4th of July weekend. There are also monthly FFF larger events, like last Friday's perishables mini-golf competition. Each department (produce, fresh meat, deli/bakery, etc.) designed their own par 4 hole using materials from around the office, and then we played through for the floor championship. The produce team won!
This week, as we continue to work on our project, we have had the opportunity to meet with a wide variety of people on our floor. It is really cool to have visibility to so many different roles at Target as an intern: buyers, managers, division heads, supply chain experts, organizational effectiveness team members, etc. The most common entry level job here is a Business Analyst (BA) on the Merchandise Planning team, but after spending a couple years as a BA, there are all sorts of career paths and jobs - Target is definitely an exciting place to work!
Week 3...or Week 4? Who's counting anyways...
Hi all,
This week was pretty uneventful in terms of new things happening at the show room, but in terms of epiphanies, I HAD ONE. I had a most liberating revelation this week. One of those revelations you're probably supposed to have like way before you get to college and decide you're going to business school but who cares...
Anyways so I applied to Penn thinking, well I'm not 100% sure, but I think I'd like to get into the fashion and beauty industries, maybe do some work for fashion and beauty/health magazines, anything like that. I didn't see being in the College, the Engineering school, or the Nursing school being the path to that, sooooo, I figured I'd do Wharton. I've always been interested in fashion, used to do some designing of my own. Love the cosmetology industry, I buy makeup like it's my job, so I always figured those were the avenues for me, business is good for everything so I welcomed the fact that that was where my future was headed.
As I wrote about in my last post, one of my projects at Alchimie is to do Daily Clippings, snippets of current beauty industry news. One of the primary sources for these is Womens Wear Daily, a world renowned magazine that publishes stories on the beauty,fragrance,fashion, and retail industries. I troll the website for interesting stories, and let me tell you, EVERY STORY IS INTERESTING.
But back to my revelation. I realized that I'm always telling people that I really love fashion and that I really love makeup, but it hit me this week, What do I really know about fashion and beauty? I know the big designers that everyone else knows, Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, etc , but there are hundreds of smaller designers that are just as prominent in any particular season, there are fashion houses whose staff are famous for particular styles or particularly famous lines for a particular season and much more. There is so much competition within the beauty and skincare industries, with Estee Lauder leading the charge and various other companies, both domestic and foreign, elbowing out the competition and creating room and support for themselves among consumers.
It became so clear to me this week, that to claim to have an interest in something, you have to do the research behind it. You have to put work into learning about it. I learned that despite what I claimed my interests to be, there was no way I could actually hold my ground in any type of conversation, debate, what have you on these topics.
So I've decided to spend this summer broadening my knowledge of all things beauty,retail, fashion, etc. I shall become a connoisseur of sorts, or at least try.
But that's all for now folks, til next time,
check out the website!
the subscription is a hefty price, but SO worth it.
Monday, June 27, 2011
End of Week 3: Lauren and working in-store
Hello again!

Update from Marc Jacobs
My daily tasks can include anything from editing these orders and matching them with our reports to organizing sales reports from various stores around the country. I also put together and edit books to display past lines and present lines, with pictures and colors of each item (these are always fun to look at). One of the more exciting things I've gotten to do is attend a sales meeting with representatives from different departments. I listened as they discussed how the brand was doing in different department stores as well as against various competitors. I also got to attend a viewing of the Resort 2011 line for Women's Ready To Wear at the off-site studio (normally this would be held at the headquarters, but this summer they are doing renovations). This was probably my favorite day, because not only did I get a sneak peak at what will be in stores starting in October, but the merchandisers and designers also explained their inspiration and reason for the pieces they created and the colors and materials they chose.
More updates to come! Until next time,
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Target! Week 3

Sorry for the delay! These past few weeks have flown by - it's hard to believe I've already finished a quarter of my internship!
I am working at Target Corporation this summer in the Merchandise Planning pyramid, which is located at their downtown Minneapolis headquarters. I have been very pleasantly surprised by the size and sophistication of this city; it is definitely very young and filled with fun things to do! I am living on the University of Minnesota campus with the nearly 300 other relocating summer interns.
The first couple weeks of the internship involved lots of training. The first week, our classes were fairly general, on topics from the Retail industry to Target-specific computer programs, which are used to track sales and every other metric imaginable. Last week, we were trained on the specific systems used in the Grocery division (where I'm working) and the nuances of managing the Perishables business. Since this is my first internship working in retail, I've really enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the industry and what makes Target different as a company. Target headquarters definitely has a very unique, collaborative culture, which I will talk about in an upcoming blog post. I am still absolutely amazed that the 5% of its profits Target donates to the community amounts to over $3 million a week!
All business analyst interns at Target work on a strategic group project that affects one of the divisions of the company. I am lucky enough to be using everything I've learned as an OPIM concentration (lots and lots of Excel!) working on a project related to inventory management in the Produce department. This is our second week really diving into the project, and I am already surprising myself with the amount I have learned so far. Also, one of the cool perks of working in Produce is getting to sample the products our department buys whenever a vendor comes to visit - today we got peaches and nectarines from a fruit vendor!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Week 3: Food Bank and Central CEO Address

In the afternoon I sat in on several meetings about the upcoming fall partnership between Bloomingdale's and NBC. One of the meetings was run by an "augmented reality" company who can create virtual images that appear on the screen of an ipad, iphone, or mac and attach themselves to whatever is in front of the camera. A simple example is bunny ears: you align your face once with an axis on the screen and then the bunny ears will look like they're actually around your head and stay on if you move around; they won't merely appear above your head if you're in the exact right spot. No more "bend down a the left a little..."-type pictures. These can get way more complicated and eventually include stars putting their arms around customers in front of the camera.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
LF USA: Week 2
Third Week Already?
Hello All,
I figure I should probably give a run down of what my actual duties are as an intern. Well my big summer project is to redo the press pages for Alchimie. Sound simple? It's not, there are 11 years of press coverage, over 350 individual pages. Each of these are saved as pdfs and to be uploaded through the website editor, they have to be converted to jpeg files, and then uploaded individually, on both the English site and the French site. Essentially, if I can do maybe 20 a day (40 uploads in actuality) without my mind going numb, its been a good day. It's not all terrible though, I am practically teaching myself about web design and it's actually pretty interesting, I think I might take a computer class sometime in the future.
Along the same lines as that part of the press project, I have to find and link images of every article in which Alchimie is mentioned in the blogosphere. Something I definitely learned from this internship, a blog world exists beyond tumblr and blogspot! I had heard of people who were professional bloggers but I never thought that blogs were really a very strong marketing tool. Lo and behold , blogs are just as influential as magazines and newspapers in relaying news, offering critiques,compliments, lifestyle advice, etc. Blogs are a huge deal and particularly in our beauty industry, it is crucial to receive great product reviews from famous bloggers. So I have to create the blog page of the Alchimie Forever website, less tedious than creating the main press pages , but still time consuming.
These projects will probably take me the whole summer, but they're pretty much on the back burner. My more recurring tasks include Daily Clippings, essentially a digest of current beauty news. Bi-weekly, I compile particularly relevant news from various beauty industry sources. I mostly use Women Wear Daily, my new favorite website/magazine. Want to know anything about the beauty, fashion, and fragrance industries(all wildly interesting), look there. It's a costly subscription, but it is more than worth it. You can't really call yourself an expert in any of these industries without knowing the stories that the website/magazine publishes. So in looking for good stories, I come across a lot of interesting information that is constantly beefing up my knowledge of the beauty and fashion industries which I'm super interested in.
I of course also do daily administrative tasks as they come up, usually from an email from either Kate or Ada, for example, putting together training manuals, filing billing statements, assessing inventory, things like that. Later in the summer we will also be doing some more event production which I hope to also be a part of. So I'm super excited.
Also, celebrity sightings: Mary Amos, a real housewife of DC came in the store for a facial the other day !
That's all for now, ttyl.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
LF USA: Week 1

Friday, June 10, 2011
First Week at Alchimie Forever
Day 5 , 6/9/2011
Hi Guys,
This summer I'm working at Alchimie Forever, an upscale skincare line located in Georgetown, DC, right by Georgetown University and the Potomac river. It's a great place to be, for anyone who has ever been to Georgetown, it's such a pretty place with a million and one upscale boutiques, shops and eating places. I love it so much, it's like an hour away from my house but I never spent much time there when I was younger.
So I'm Alchimie Forever's sole summer intern and its a pretty sweet deal. Despite being an international company, operating out of both DC and Switzerland and selling to customers in Canada, France, the US and Switzerland, the DC office pretty much runs like a start-up. In the office there's me, Kate, the assistant, and the CEO Ada Polla (look her up and follow her on twitter and facebook!). And since Ada travels ALL THE TIME, from beauty conventions to client meetings to distributor meetings and so on, out of the 5 days I've worked there, she's only be there twice. It's a busy job being the female CEO of an international brand.
My first 5 days were pretty good, I'm still learning the ropes, trying to learn some of the the applications that Kate the assistant uses, how to do all the backoffice stuff so that I can make her job a little easier, and ultimately at the end of the summer take over when she'll be gone for two weeks on a trip to England with her grad. Ps, Kate is awesome, she's only 23 and whenever our boss Ada isn't there, we turn up the showroom stereo and jam out to Adele and Natasha Bedingfeld. Good times.
The highlight of my first week was definitely on my second day when the store's esthetician came in to train local spa workers on how to use the store's products and me and Kate got complimentary facials! I've never had a facial before and all I can say is, MAGIC. She gave me a neck massage and hand massage too, and with the candles flickering and mellow music in the background, I was just so at peace for the 30-40 minute process.
Although the position is unpaid, I'm definitely getting paid in products. The line is relatively expensive, with items ranging from $40-$91, but almost every other day, they give me a product to try for free. I know they want to convert me into a regular customer, but for now I'm just appreciating all the free stuff. Their products make your skin feel amazing, and if I was richer, I'd be a regular.
I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the summer, I'm going to be responsible for doing a lot of market research and event planning which is great because event producing and marketing are the reasons why I applied to Wharton in the first place. It's going to be a wonderful experience and I hope to share it all with you guys. Thanks for reading, more to come!